One of my roles at New Hope Christian Church is that of Discipleship Minister. A responsibility of that role is to help equip our church family in the area of discipleship, to challenge and help each person to take another step in their own walks with the Lord. I believe a key part of equipping people is to provide them with resources...tools to help along with way.
Here's a great example. For several years now, New Hope has offered all in our church family a free subscription to RightNow Media. Signing up is simple. If you are reading this and you are in the New Hope Family and would like to get access to RightNow Media, there are two easy ways. (1) Send me an email @ david.smith@newhopechristianchurch.com. (2) Text RightNow NHCCBartlett to 41411 (this is a new method of signing up as of early 2020). You can access RightNow Media on your computer as a website or on your smartphone or tablet as via an app.
RightNow Media is an extensive video library containing over 20,000 videos with new video being added regularly. It’s like the "Netflix of Video Bible Studies" and has a HUGE library of faith-based videos that you can access whenever and wherever you want—on your phone, iPad, computer, or at home on your TV.
Our church staff is always looking for ways to help our church family to develop and strengthen their faith. We believe that RightNow Media is a tool that serves you as you live out your faith at home, at work and in your neighborhood. RightNow Media has videos for everyone—kids, youth, parents, married couples, college students, single adults, working professionals—all aimed at helping you grow.
For any of you reading this who have a RightNow Media subscription, here are some tips to help you get the most benefit out of this very beneficial tool:
No tool has value unless it's used. The more you use a tool, the more familiar you are with it. So please, use this tool!
When you access RightNow Media, New and popular videos and studies are highlighted in a banner at the top. Currently there is a great study by Jonathan Pokluda called Overcoming Anxiety During COVID-19.
On the RightNow Media Home Page, there are sections that are emphasized. Currently there is a section on all video series dealing with "Responding to Crisis." Very appropriate as we deal with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Many videos have downloadable study guides.
There is a section of videos for your personal devotions and small group studies.
There is a section of videos for family devotional studies.
There are many, many more categories. Many more. I say it again. Many more.
On the left side of your home screen, you can select specific libraries. An example would be all Kids Videos, videos for Men or Women, and videos by topic like Apologetics.
In addition to Bible study videos, there are also videos of sessions from Christian conferences.
There are training videos for church staff members and small group leaders.
There are videos in Spanish.
In short, there's a lifetime's worth of material available at your fingertips. My hope and prayer is that all of is in our church family will take advantage of this tool to help each of us take another step in our walk with the Lord.
Do you have a favorite video on RightNow Media? If so, let me hear from you!